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Daily $140-$150 Dollars | 1000$ IN 1 WEEK | BTC

10-Easy-ways-to-earn-money-online-by-home-2016-2017 img141
BEFORE STARTING, IF YOU WANT BITCOIN, PLEASE go to http://www.coinbase.com and MAKE AN ACCOUNT, with zero  BALANCE, even if you have a coinbase account, MAKE, A NEW ONE.
If you want PAYPAL, continue with the following:
Firstly you’re going to have to create an account on this site:
 you’ll be at TREEHOUSE
CREATE A FREE TRIAL account at Treehouse and pick PRO, MONTHLY so you can download the files.
When it tells you to give your CREDIT CARD, Give your PAYPAL or COINBASE BITCOIN ACCOUNT instead.
Now go to this link
and go to DOWNLOADs, and DOWNLOAD PROJECT FILE. You should be able to do this if you picked PRO account at Treehouse, if you didn’t make a new account you have to pick PRO to download the project files
Next make an account at:
Now create an account and add your PAYAPL / BTC to it.
Now there are two things you can do for this:
From the files you just downloded upload to DropBox or GoogleDrive
and then add that link to the EXE BUNDLER on
Make a very quick youtube video about “LEARN PROGRAMMING FOR FREE” You can make it or steal a youtube video (like this)
and use “http://www.clipconverter.xyz/” to download the youtube video and upload it on your own Youtube account
Then Use the download link of perinstallbucks, otherwise the installation will not be counted by the system. in your YOUTUBE DESCIRIPTION
2. Search on you YouTube for videos like “Gift Card Generators” or similar videos. Download them
nd edit them a bit. (Use your own intro or something like this) 
Go in your perinstallbucks account and click on “Exe bundler”. Enter the name of your software in the first textbox. (for example “GooglePlay GiftCard Generator”)
Now, click on “Generate link”. Put the download you’ll get in your YouTube video description.
(Use the download link of perinstallbucks, otherwise the installation will not be counted by the system)
EVERY DOWNLOAD is 1.40 USD that means just as little as 100 downloads on your application will set you to earn $1000 DOLLARS EVERY WEEK

Giveaway Promo Template

Giveaway Promo Template
COC Test_20160118225639
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  13. <h2>Complete the Steps To Claim Your Reward</h2>You will receive notification after completing a survey.
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  29. <h3>Step 2 : Complete a Simple Survey Below</h3> {%offers%}
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  48. </td>
  49. <td valign="top" style="padding:3px;">
  50. <p id="name">Karen Daniels</p>
  51. <p id="message">Thank you for this HUGE giveaway. More power to you guys.</p>
  52. <p id="soci"><font id="link-a">Like</font> · <font id="link-a">Reply</font> <font style="color:#aaa">1 minute ago</font>
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  64. <p id="name">Verna Elliott</p>
  65. <p id="message">Thank you for freebies</p>
  66. <p id="soci"><font id="link-a">Like</font> · <font id="link-a">Reply</font> <font style="color:#aaa">3 minutes ago</font>
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  77. <td valign="top" style="padding:3px;">
  78. <p id="name">Jackie Veronica</p>
  79. <p id="message">Thank you. I got it.</p>
  80. <p id="soci"><font id="link-a">Like</font> · <font id="link-a">Reply</font> <font style="color:#aaa">4 minutes ago</font>
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  90. </td>
  91. <td valign="top" style="padding:3px;">
  92. <p id="name">Sharon Vawser</p>
  93. <p id="message">Thank you so much. you are awesome guys. Wish you all the best.</p>
  94. <p id="soci"><font id="link-a">Like</font> · <font id="link-a">Reply</font> <font style="color:#aaa">7 minutes ago</font>
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  105. <td valign="top" style="padding:3px;">
  106. <p id="name">Kristina Mendoza</p>
  107. <p id="message">working.. survey was easy, no complaints from me <img src="http://cpagriptemplates.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/simple-smile.png" alt=":)" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;"> just make sure you put in real data for the survey or they wont complete.</p>
  108. <p id="soci"><font id="link-a">Like</font> · <font id="link-a">Reply</font> <font style="color:#aaa">8 minutes ago</font>
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  120. <td valign="top" style="padding:3px;">
  121. <p id="name">Jessica Stewart</p>
  122. <p id="message">Thank you i got mine.</p>
  123. <p id="soci"><font id="link-a">Like</font> · <font id="link-a">Reply</font> <font style="color:#aaa">12 minutes ago</font>
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  133. </td>
  134. <td valign="top" style="padding:3px;">
  135. <p id="name">Jessica Stewart</p>
  136. <p id="message">I love it.</p>
  137. <p id="soci"><font id="link-a">Like</font> · <font id="link-a">Reply</font> <font style="color:#aaa">13 minutes ago</font>
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  147. </td>
  148. <td valign="top" style="padding:3px;">
  149. <p id="name">Angelica Foy</p>
  150. <p id="message">Thank you.</p>
  151. <p id="soci"><font id="link-a">Like</font> · <font id="link-a">Reply</font> <font style="color:#aaa">16 minutes ago</font>
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  161. </td>
  162. <td valign="top" style="padding:3px;">
  163. <p id="name">Barbara Noblitt</p>
  164. <p id="message">Thank you so much.</p>
  165. <p id="soci"><font id="link-a">Like</font> · <font id="link-a">Reply</font> <font style="color:#aaa">16 minutes ago</font>
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  175. </td>
  176. <td valign="top" style="padding:3px;">
  177. <p id="name">Chelsie White</p>
  178. <p id="message">This is real. Thank you for giveaway..</p>
  179. <p id="soci"><font id="link-a">Like</font> · <font id="link-a">Reply</font> <font style="color:#aaa">20 minutes ago</font>
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